You can generate and view a number of reports to track the performance of an individual student, a group of students, the entire class, the entire school, or all the schools in a district.
Accessing Reports
- To access the reports page, click one of the following:
- The Reports tab on the top of the screen.
- The Reports link on the lower left of the home page.
- Specify the type of report you want by clicking:
- The Assessments or Standards link on the Reports tab.
- The Assessments or Standards radio button under Filter by on the left.
- Select the filters for the information you want in the report. To expand a filter, click icon before the filter name. To collapse a filter, click icon. The filters available to you are as follows:
- Date: Select Current Year or Custom Year. If you select Custom Year, click the calendar to select the From and To dates.
- Report Filters: Select the Grade and Subject from their respective dropdown lists.
- The assessments list is generated, based on the selected report filters.
- Assessment or Standards: Select the check box(es) for the assessment(s) or standard(s) that you want to include in the report.
- Schools: Select the school(s) whose performance report you want to review.
- NCLB Criteria: Select the check box(es) for the Gender, Ethnicity, Special Services, English Proficiency, Special Conditions, and Economic Status categories you want.
- Advanced Filters: Filter the report based on options such as Archived classes, Inactive students, Inactive teachers, Inactive classes and Students no longer enrolled.
- After the required fields are selected, the Generate button is available. Click Generate button to view the report in the Results pane.
The Options area contains the Generate, Reset Filters, Export and Print Report buttons. It is located under the Filter by area and under the Advanced Filters area.
- Generate is available once you select the Assessment filter and the Schools filter.
- Reset Filters returns the filters to their original settings.
- Export creates a report file that you can save on your computer.
- Print Report allows you to take a print out of the generated report summary.
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Viewing Reports
- A report has three sections:
- Table or chart: The results table and the associated chart (if applicable) for completed assignments. Click the headings to change the sort order of the columns. Click the links to see the report at different levels.
- Legend: If you filter the report by Assessments, the legend shows the Assessment Code(s) the Assessment Title. If you filter the report by Standards, the legend shows the Standards ID and the Standards Name.
- Summary of report filters: A summary of details that are not already part of the results table or chart, such as assessment Date, Grade, Subject, and NCLB Criteria.
- The focus of the report generated is at District level for all the schools selected in the Schools filter pane. You can also view the report at the School, Teacher, Classroom, and Student levels.
- You can do the following with the report:
- Click the links on the report to view the details at various levels.
- Click the headings in the results table to change the sort order.
- Print a copy of the report.
- Export the report to a .csv file or Portable Document Format (PDF) Portable.
- View Student’s performance over time in a student’s report.
- Change the filters and click Generate.
- Click Reset Filters to return the filters to their original settings.
- The table of results in the report varies with the focus level.
- The results at District level include:
- A row for each school selected in the Schools filter, with the School Name as a link in the first column
- A Code column with the assessment(s) selected in the Assessment list
- The overall percentage that all students scored for each school and assessment
- The number of students who took each assessment in each school
- The results at School level include:
- A row for each teacher in the school, with the Teacher Name as a link in the first column
- A Code column with the assessment(s) selected in the Assessment list
- The overall percentage that all students scored for each teacher and assessment
- The number of students assigned by that teacher for each assessment
- The results at Teacher level include:
- A row for each class of the teacher, with the Class name as a link in the first column
- A Code column with the assessment(s) selected in the Assessment list
- The overall percentage that all students scored for each class and assessment
- The number of students assigned to the class for each assessment
- The results at Classroom level include:
- A row for each student assigned to the class selected, with the Student name as a link in the first column
- A Code column with the assessment(s) selected in the Assessment list
- The overall percentage that each student scored for each assessment
- When not rendering data for Student performance over time, the results at Student level include:
- A Code column with the assessment(s) selected in the Assessment list
- A results row, showing the overall percentage that the students scored for each assessment
- A Details link for each assessment, which on clicking shows the details for the given assessment in a popup dialog
- A Student performance over time button
- When rendering data for Student performance over time, the results at Student level include:
- The list of assessments
- The Code for each assessment
- The overall percentage received for each assessment
- A Details link for each assessment, which shows the details for the given assessment
- The date applicable to the assessment
- The name of each school applicable to the assessment
- The name of the teacher associated with the assessment
- The name of the class associated with the assessment
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Viewing Students’ Performance over Time across the District
As a district administrator, you can view students’ performance over time across the district.
- On the Reports page, select the report type and filters, and then click Generate.
- Click the links on the report to view the Student level report.
- Click Student performance over time in the student level report.
- On an Assessments report, ThinkCentral ignores the filters relating to Schools, Teacher Name, and Class.
- On a Standards report, ThinkCentral ignores the filters relating to Schools, Teacher Name, Class, Grade, Subject, NCLB criteria, and Advanced filters.
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Exporting Reports
- On the Reports tab, select the report type and filters, and then click Generate.
- At District level, the Export button is available when you select one or more Assessments or Standards, and one or more Schools.
- Click Export to save the report to a file. A dialog box with two formats is displayed:
- Spreadsheet(CSV)
- Portable Document Format(PDF)
- Select the required format and click Export button.
- A dialog box is displayed to save the file. Click Save option.
- After the file is saved, open the file to view the District Level Assessment Report.
• The file contains header rows and data rows.
• The header rows include the following details:
- Report title
- Scope (the list of assessments or standards)
- Grade
- Subject
- Standards set (only for standards-based reports)
- NCLB Criteria
- Report Date
- Period School (if applicable)
- Teacher (if applicable)
- Classroom (if applicable)
- Student (if applicable)
The data rows are the same as the results table at the current focus level.
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Printing Reports
The reports can be printed once the reports are generated and exported.
To print a report:
- On the Reports tab, select the report type and filters, and then click Generate.
- Select the Print Report button from the Options list in the left pane.
- A dialog box is displayed to save the file. Click the Save option.
- Open the file from the saved location.
- Click the File tab from the menu bar.
- A dialog box is displayed.
- Select the Printer from the dropdown list.
- Click Print to print the file.
Tip: To directly print the file, open the file and click CTRL+P.
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Comparing Results between Schools
The section below shows the data you selected for the District Level Assessments Report.
To compare results between schools, specify the following:
- Select the Target School from the Target School section.
- Select the Comparison School from the Comparison Schools section.
- Select the Assessments from the assessments section, and then click Compare button.
- This gives the comparison results between the selected schools.
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